Seeking Christ? How Spiritual Disciplines Can Help You Develop A Relationship With Christ

7 September 2022
 Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Blog

If you are a Christ seeker and are curious about what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ, spiritual disciplines can help. Incorporating these important disciplines into your life will help you find the answers to any key questions you have. Getting to know who Christ is and exploring the Christian faith will help you grow spiritually and learn the importance of living a life of faith.

Reading and studying the Bible

Reading the Bible is the most important part of developing a life of faith as a Christ follower. However, the Bible can feel intimidating when you first open the pages and wonder where to start. The Old Testament contains 66 books, and the New Testament contains 27 books, and both make up the Bible. Both sections will help you learn key truths which will help you grow in your faith.

For new Christ seekers, it is usually recommended to begin reading the New Testament, which begins with the birth of Christ and continues to explore his work on earth, the miracles he performed, and his guidelines for being a Christ follower. As you read through the pages of the Bible you will see Christ's plan for your life.

Regular prayer time

Prayer is simply talking to Christ and a model for prayer is the Lord's prayer, which can be found in the New Testament in Matthew 6: 9-13 and in Luke 11: 2-4. However, you do not have to follow a formula to pray and can simply talk to Christ as you would a close friend. Communicating with Christ on a consistent basis will help you develop a personal relationship with him.

Exploring church

As a Christ seeker, it is important to meet with other people of faith to help you grow as a new believer. Attending church services also gives you the opportunity to worship with other believers by singing and praying together. Listening to sermons at church will help you learn about the Bible and the life of Christ and apply what you learn to your own walk of faith.

Becoming a person of faith is an exciting time for new converts. If you are a new Christ seeker, it is not uncommon to have a lot of questions about what it means to live life as a Christ follower. Following key spiritual disciplines will help you find the answers to any questions you have and can help you get your new life of faith off to a great start.

For more information about seeking comfort in Christ, contact a local organization.
